Por Yamilet Gutierrez
Para mi el chocolate es como heaven!Yo no se a ustedes.Pero una barra de chocolate me alegra el dia!
Soy al nivel de que prefiero chocolates a diamantes!{no bromeo}
Hoy en dia ,la forma de llegar al corazon de una mujer es atravez del chocolate.
Por eso les dare una lista de porque los chocolates son mejores que los chicos.
For mi chocolate are like heaven!I don't know.But for me ,chocolate is enough to make my day happy!
My geek nivel is that i prefer chocolates over diamonds![not a joke folks]
That's why iam going to give you a list of why Chocolate is better than boys.
- Los chocolates son fieles.
- Siempre estaran cuando los necesitas.
- Tienes variedad para escoger.
- No necesitas solo uno.Puedes estar con varios y no te lo cuestionan.
- Incrementan tu felicidad.
- Son buenos antioxiadantes.
- No te embarazan.
- No se divorcian de ti.
- No hablan de ti con sus amigos.
- No te comparan con otra chicas.
- Los chocolates estan dispuestos a que te los comas y no protestan.
- Son simplemente geniales.
- Chocolates are loyal
- They are always with you when you need them most.
- Have a lot of different chocolates to choose
- You don't need only one.You can be with various at the same time and they don't mind at all.
- They make you happy.
- Are good antioxidant
- Chocolates don't make you a kid.
- They don't divorce you.
- They don't talk about you with their friends.
- Chocolates didn't compare you with other girls.
- Chocolates always let you eat them and they don't protest.
- They're just great.

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